Mybase - Intuitive Knowledge Base Management Software

Introducing Mybase Software

Mybase is an intuitive knowledge base management software that allows entry of unstructured text, webpages, images, documents, emails and even arbitrary files without regard to length or format. Unlike traditional database systems, Mybase accepts text input like a word processor, all information is compressed with an integrated zip utility and stored in the tree structured outline form.

Mybase provides better methods for capturing, editing, organizing, retrieving, searching and sharing information, and helps increase productivity significantly. No programming skills required.

Mybase software is currently available in two major editions, the desktop edition and the server edition, downloadable from the site. The desktop edition is intended for best practice of personal information and knowledge base management on Linux/macOS/Windows desktop computers, and aimed to provide tools of efficiency and versatility for increasing personal productivity significantly, while the server edition enables databases multi-user collaborative and accessible to co-workers over network by using a modern web browser.

Logical Structure of Mybase .nyf Databases

Mybase software stores all information as individual info items with in one or multiple .nyf database files, which are internally tree-structured and compressed with an integrated zip utility, based on the structured storage library. The hierarchy chart below tries to illustrate how information is structured and stored within Mybase software. It allows unlimited level of info items structured in the hierarchical outline form.

File system (on hard disk) | +--Mybase databases (*.nyf files) | +--Info items (hierarchical outline, tree structured) | | | +--Virtual items (referring to other real info items, namely Symbolic links) * | | | +--Real items (containing actual data) | | | +--Default HTML content (*.html/txt/md) | | | +--Attachments (*.*) | | | | | +--Images (*.jpg/gif/bmp/png) | | | | | +--Documents (*.docx/xlsx/pptx/pdf/html/md) | | | | | +--Shortcuts (linking to external files) * | | | | | +--Arbitrary files (*.exe/bin/dat/etc.) | | | +--Related items (linking with other items) | | | +--Threaded items (linking by [[ keywords ]]) * | | | +--Applied labels (tags, categories) | +--Label items (tree structured, unlimited) | | | +--Label 1 (labelled info items...) | | | +--Label 2 (labelled info items...) | | | +--Label 3 (labelled info items...) | | | +--More ... | +--Custom icons (linking with info items) * | +--Calendar (linking with info items) * | +--Bookmarks (linking with info items) * | +--Saved searches *

* implemented in the desktop edition only but currently not yet available for the server edition

How It Helps

If you have any of the problems with getting things done, Mybase software can help.

  • How can I organize a large and growing collection of notes, images and documents in my research work?
  • How can I manage random bits of personal information in my own way?
  • How can I save webpages including original URLs and get the collections well-organized with ease?
  • How can I create a personal or corporate full-text searchable knowledge base effortlessly?
  • How can I write a book in the tree outline form more efficiently than a standard word processor?
  • How can I publish information in the HTML tree form, or make ePub/CHM digital books with ease?
  • How can I build a full-text searchable database containing a large number of unstructured information/materials such as images, webpages, documents and even arbitrary files?

Mybase, a 'swiss-army-knife' program, does these things well and can help a lot. With Mybase software, creating a full-text searchable knowledge base and getting organized has never been easier. No programming skills required.

What You Get

With Mybase Desktop and a set of plugins/addon programs running on your desktop computers, you get:

  1. Knowledge Base Software
  2. Research Database Software
  3. Notes Manager
  4. Project Management Tool
  5. Customer Data Management Tool
  6. Personal Information Organizer (PIM)
  7. Mind/Notes Manager
  8. Book Writing Tool
  9. To-Do List
  10. Address Book
  11. Diary Keeper
  12. Documentation Tool
  13. Presentation Tool
  14. Outlining Tool
  15. HTML Tree Maker
  16. Webpage Capturing Tool
  17. Photo Album
  18. URL Organizer
  19. File Organizer
  20. HTML/Rich Text Editor
  21. Markdown Editor
  22. CD-ROM/USB-Drive Offline Indexing Tool
  23. Mindmap Spider-like Diagram Maker
  24. ePub Digital Book Maker
  25. CHM Digital Book Maker (Windows only)
  26. MS-Word Outline Maker (Windows only)
  27. MS-Outlook Email Archiver (Windows only)
  28. and more ...

With the server edition, it enables databases multi-user collaborative and accessible to co-workers over network or via the web by using a modern web browser on PCs, xPads or mobile phones.


To download the evaluation version of Mybase software for a trial, please go here.