Mybase Server 8.x ChangeLog
Version 8.1.1
- added: the option to keep web session alive in a specified period before timing out.
- added: the [Privilege schemes] column in the [Group accounts] list for reference.
- added: the [Target users] column in the [Privilege schemes] list for reference.
- added: the option [Set owner group] in the [New user account] dialog box.
- added: the online installer script for linux; Usage:
curl -Ls | bash
- added: support of navigating to specific control panel tab pages by using tag-based fragments in urls starting with the # character; e.g. /admin#about.
- added: a timer in the Re-login window to indicate how long it has elapsed since the session timed out.
- bugfix: session timeout countdown indicators in multiple browser tab/windows may conflict after re-logged in.
- bugfix: ajax errors may not fully be logged on browser's Console.
- bugfix: description text for default group accounts not shown in the [Set owner groups] dialog box.
- bugfix: default database titles not shown in relevant dialog boxes.
- bugfix: states of the Enable/Disable buttons not properly toggled on selecting user/group entries.
- bugfix: html fragment not extracted with the tags <!--StartFragment-->...<!--EndFragment--> on pasting html fragments into Markdown.
- bugfix: redundant spaces between icon and title of items within the tree view eliminated.
- Minor fixes/tweaks/changes.
Version 8.1 Beta
- changed: the default administrative account name is now preset to "admin" to follow common conventions of application systems.
This change only applies to new installations of the server program. For upgrades over earlier versions on the same server computer,
the existing credentials (inlcuding users, groups and privilege schemes) remain unchanged and still valid,
you can continue using them to login disregarding the new defaults.
In the case that you'd like to use "admin" instead of "root" as the administrative account name,
simply add it and put it into the "administrators" group, then login with it,
finally delete the previous administrative uid "root" if all goes ok and the "root" account is no longer being used.
- added: support of password-protected .nyf databases which can be uploaded from local file system or created in the "./admin#databases" page.
Note that database passwords will be saved in the config file on server computer when uploading or creating databases
so the databases can be re-mounted with the saved passwords in case the server computer/program needs to restart.
When dropping a password-protected database, its password will be removed from in the server config file accordingly.
By default the [ New ] button in the "./admin#databases" page doesn't allow to set password for new databases,
if you'd want to password-protect new databases, click on the [ New ] button with the [Control, Shift, Alt, Meta or Command] key held down,
the password specific input fields will show up in the "New database" dialog box.
Since the server program keeps and reads database passwords in the server config file without asking you for passwords again once they're set up and done,
so please be sure to backup database passwords in a safe place in case of any problems with the server config file,
you'll also need the passwords to open the password-protected .nyf databases either in the desktop edition, or choose to upload them to another server computer.
- added: the [ Upload ] and [ Download ] buttons in the "./admin#databases" page for .nyf and .dbindex files to be migrated from/to the desktop edition
without having to RDP/SSH to remote server computers.
This may help simplify the process of exchanging existing .nyf database files between the server edition and the deskopt edition.
- added: the [ Duplicate ] button which allows to clone the currently selected databases on server computer.
- added: the [ Rename ] button in the "./admin#databases" page for currently selected database to be renamed with a different database ID.
Note that database IDs may be referred by some cross-database hyperlinks, you may need to manually keep them updated once the IDs changed.
- added: the [ Refresh ] button in the "./admin#databases" page for newly added .nyf databases to be mounted without having to restart the server program;
The working databases list will also be updated accordingly.
- added: the list view of trashed databases whereby you can choose to drop or restore previously trashed databases.
- added: the [ Drop ] button in the trashed databases list view for permanently deletion of trashed databases.
- added: the [ Restore ] button in the trashed databases list view for restoring trashed databases to the working databases list.
- added: the [ Open ] button in the "./admin#databases" page for currently selected database to open with in a new tab or window.
- Removed: limits on size of upload files removed. Now you may choose to upload large database or attachment files to server computer if needed.
The attachment file size to upload is no longer limited under 50MiB.
Note that uploading large files as attachments may significantly bload the remote .nyf database files
and may slow down the server response to some extent when processing large files.
- added: limits on length of IDs and descriptive text such as
uid (<=32), gid (<=32), dbid (<=32), password (<=32), description (<=64), db-title (<=64), filename (<=128),
info item text (<=256), label item text (<=64)
- refactor: for consistency added the ./css/ui_common.css file containing common stylesheets that are used in both the administrative control panel
and the database content views; In case of any problem with stylesheets rendering the pages, a hard-reload with cache cleared would solve the problem.
- added: support of qualified urls linking to current info item shown in the browser's address bar which will automatically be updated
when selecting each individual info items.
Opening the links in a web browser automatically locates and opens the target info item.
- added: support of qualified urls linking to current tab page of the administrative control panel in the browser's address bar
which will automatically be updated when switching over to a different tab page.
Opening the links in a web browser automatically locates and opens the target tab page.
- added: tooltips for entries of dbid, uid, gid and privileges in the "./admin#databases" page to have a localized descriptive info when mouse hovers.
- added: the "Password" column added into the working databases list in the "./admin#databases" page.
- added: the "Owner groups" column to the user accounts list in the dialog box turning on/off the anonymous access option.
- bugfix: the double click event not handled for tool buttons.
- added: the mime type "image/*" to <input type=file> to allow only images to be uploaded as attachments while inserting images into text contents.
- bugfix: there may be duplicate entries added into the attachment upload list.
- bugfix: multiple formats of default item content of a new empty info item may concurrently be locked by different users.
- bugfix: table headers of the search results list not localized.
- added: a prompt message of notification if there's no label items present in the "Browse lable tree" dialog box.
- bugfix: for windows, IFilter modules having problems or crashed in last call to parse specific type of documents will be dismissed accordingly.
- bugfix: a specific info item identified with zero not listed out in the search results list.
- bugfix: item-text not automatically indexed when they're added from in the "New info item" dialog box, till to re-titled.
- bugfix: title text of the placeholder info item in newly created databases not localized.
- bugfix: inbound socket buffer may cause doubled RAM usage.
- improved: the performance on reading socket inbound buffers.
- added: the [ x ] tool button added into the search phrase input box at the top of the database content view.
- added: the file-based i/o buffer for large file upload/download without allocating too much RAM resources.
- added: support of multi-selection in the file upload procedure for both attachment and database files.
To select multiple files to upload, use the Shift or Contorl/Command key modifiers while selecting local files.
- Improved: the upload interface which lists out selected files with file size and timestamps, and shows total number of bytes to be uploaded.
- bugfix: the cgi command "itempath" not granted to viewers/anonymous by default setup, that may cause item-links not to work.
- added: alphabetically sorting of the privileges list for administrators to check privileges with ease.
- added: the "Category" column added into the privileges list for administrators to check privileges with ease.
Each command will be marked with one or more of tags [editors, viewers, anonymous, administrators],
which may help prevent from granting wrong privileges.
- added: a basic encoding of passwords for security while sending via non-https connections.
- bugfix: the web interface for anonymous access may not open due to the bug of insufficient privileges preset
on the cgi command ./privilegequery for anonymous visitors.
- added: support of uppercase letters which are now allowed in database IDs.
- bugfix: the descriptive text not localized for the default credentials.
- bugfix: temp files may not fully be cleaned up while parsing those zip-compressed documents such as docx/xlsx/pptx.
- added: the progress indicator while uploading large files via ajax requests.
- added: the percentage of progress uploading/downloading file/item contents on the status bar.
- bugfix: the installer script for Linux/macOS may fail to mkdir if the same file name exists.
- added: a list of linear grandients for app title text to be rendered colorfully or monochrome, customizable with in the text file ./css/cfg_rainbow.txt.
- bugfix: blank spaces in registration names may accidentally be trimmed while installing license keys. For existing customers to fix the issue, please make a re-install of the license keys.
- bugfix to docparser.js for the error "TypeError: cannot read property 'replace' of undefined".
- Minor fixes/tweaks/changes.
Version 8.0 Beta-7
- added: the css attribute "transition: all .3s ease-in-out;" for dynamic effects on visual components.
- added: the option to set up windows firewall rules for mybase service to open tcp/8082 during setup.
- added: allow incoming conntections during installation on macOS for Mybase Server to open TCP/8082.
- added: the firewall rule in the installer script for Mybase Server to open TCP/8082 on Linux.
- added: the new build for Linux_aarch64.
- Minor fixes/tweaks/changes.
Version 8.0 Beta-6
- bugfix: the Enter/Return key not accepted to the TextArea in the [Edit html source] view as a new line (LF).
- bugfix: Input caret not positioned at the first line when opening [Edit html source] dialog box.
- bugfix: parsing zip-compressed documents may fail due to wrong data types of parameters on Windows.
- bugfix: untitled info items may not show correct location text in query results list view.
- bugifx: in the [View/Edit html source] view the tbody/thead blocks not indented well.
- bugfix: the Tab key not accepted to the Plain/MD/Html text content editors as a literal TAB character.
- added: the ./css/doc_common.css as common stylesheet for table/img/code rendering in html and markdown docs.
- added: the [Action - Insert/delete/resize table/rows/columns] utilities for creating simple tables in Html/Markdown contents,
with custom header fields supported.
- added: the menu item [Open default content] for info items with no default contents to add default contents,
when one of attached documents is automatically loaded with the content type chooser suppressed.
- Minor fixes/tweaks/changes.
Version 8.0 Beta-5
- added: default privilege schemes for viewers, editors and anonymous accounts to be ready for use at initial installation.
- bugfix: in the [Upload files as attachments] dialog box, the X tool button for removing upload entries may not work.
- Minor fixes/tweaks/changes.
Version 8.0 Beta-4
- added: the event log viewer in the administrative control panel for administrators to inspect server event logs via the web interface.
- added: the hyperlinks in the database entry list for an individual database to be open for editing from in the administrative control panel.
- fixed: the verbose debug messages of tcp events with active sockets listed may bloat debug log files.
- fixed: the server build time may be shown incorrectly.
- fixed: the server program for linux/macOs didn't inherit umask settings from Systemd/Shell.
- Minor fixes/tweaks/changes.
Version 8.0 Beta-3
- fixed: image display size in markdown contents not limited to the content view port.
- changed: the repo/log folder location for linux now defaults to /var/opt/MybaseServer/[Repository,Logs] at setup.
- fixed: the install script may not work with those legacy sysv/init.d based linux systems.
Version 8.0 Beta-2
- fix: the server may respond ReferenceError of 'id' on running queries with legacy index data generated with the desktop edition.
- fix: session countdown timer may stop working after current session timed out and re-logged in.
- fix: re-logging in while current session is still active may run into problems.
Version 8.0 Beta
- Initial release of the server edition v8.x