Mybase Desktop 8.x 用户手册

  1. 软件使用说明

    详细的软件使用说明可参阅 [英文版]

  2. 注意事项说明

    1. 完成费用支付后没有收到许可证邮件

      当通过本网站成功提交注册信息并完成费用支付后,注册信息将于24小时内(通常会在更短时间内)通过 email 发送, 其中包含有许可证代码为一连串看似无意义的数字/英文/字符,因此注册邮件有可能会被某些邮箱自动放入垃圾邮件箱。 如果没有在收件箱中正常收到注册邮件,或有必要再检查一下垃圾邮件箱;如果均未收到,烦请及时联络我们,以便尽快安排重新发送。

    2. Suggestions on safely running Mybase software on desktop computers

      The significant progress on data safety and stability has been made to the version 7.x/8.x which is built with the new 64-bit storage library (SSG-5). In order to more safely run the database software on desktop/laptop computers, here are a few notes/tips/suggestions that would help increase data safety and stability;
      • It's highly recommended to periodically create backup for your .nyf databases;
      • Be sure to have working databases normally closed before the OS system shuts down or goes into hibernation;
      • Editing .nyf databases from in shared folders (SMB/NetBIOS) over LAN with Mybase Desktop is NOT recommended. Accidental network problems may cause damage to the working databases. Nevertheless viewing .nyf databases via file sharing over LAN can be a good idea.
      • Mybase Desktop can run from in removable drives (e.g. USB sticks); However, it's not recommended to open .nyf databases for editing from in removable drives, accidentally/unsafely unpluging the removable disk may cause file corruption. If you'd like to use it on removeable drives, please be sure first to create backup;
      • If you have a system tweaking utility (e.g. Anti-virus, Cleaner, etc.) running in background, it's recommended to temporarily deactivate it while Mybase runs, or put Mybase on the 'Exception' list, especially when you experienced problems with it;
      • It'd be safer if you have working databases closed instead of just leave them running in background in the case that you won't work with them in the rest of the day.
      • If any problems opening a .nyf database due to file corruption, and there's neither a recent backup nor any other choices, please try running the recovery tool.
    3. About the file extension names (.nyf, .bak, .dbindex)

      • The .nyf file contains titles, notes, webpages, images, attachments, labels, links, everything you saved in the database.
      • The .bak file is backup of the .nyf database file having the same base file name.
      • The .dbindex file contains index data created for fast searching.
    4. What's the difference between Attachments and Shortcuts within Mybase?

      When you insert a file as attachment, the whole file is copied into the database, and the database file size usually gets larger. When you insert a file as shortcut, only a file link is inserted into the database, rather than copying the whole file, it won't bloat the database file. If you have a number of (larger) files need to organize with in Mybase, it's recommended to insert them as shortcuts with the relative path applied.

    5. Upgrading exisitng .nyf databases to Ver 8.x

      For better cross-platform support, Mybase Desktop 7.x/8.x has upgraded its storage and text content format; If you have a .nyf database created within old versions of Mybase (e.g. 4.x, 5.x, 6.x) for Windows, and would like to get it to work with Mybase 7.x/8.x, please follow this,

      • Download and install Mybase Desktop 6.5.1+ on a Windows PC;
      • Open the .nyf database within Mybase Desktop 6.5.1+;
      • Select the [File - Maintenance - Replicate from RTF to HTML ...] menu item, specify a new database file name, and press OK button;
      • After the replication/conversion is done, the generated .nyf database will work with Mybase Desktop 7.x/8.x for both Linux, macOS and Windows;

      Unlike RTF text formatting, the HTML format doesn't support OLE objects embedding into text contents, OLE embedding is a Windows OS specific feature that is currently not available for Linux/macOS. The replication tool tries to convert OLE objects (if any) into thumbnail images embedded in resulting HTML content.

      Within v6.5.1+ the inbuilt RTF2HTML conversion during replication only parses a subset of RTF/1.8 control words (e.g. font, style, size, color, alignment, indentation, spacing, picture, etc.), not all RTF control words will be exactly converted. HTML formatting is quite different than RTF, you may need to perform some adjustments manually after conversion, and have old .nyf databases preserved for later reference.

      If you have MS-Word properly installed on the system, it's recommended that you choose MS-Word to perform the RTF2HTML conersion during database replication. MS-Word fully understands the RTF specifications and performs almost perfect RTF2HTML conversion. Mybase 6.5.1+ provides the option allowing to invoke MS-Word for RTF2HTML conversion while replicating databases.

    6. Opening attachments externally with associated programs

      When you open attached documents (i.e. attachments, not shortcuts) with associated programs, the attachment must be extracted and saved into the temporary directory, whereby external programs can use them. Mybase monitors the externally working documents, and tries to update the database if any changes made to the documents,

      For consistency of contents of attachments externally opened, any changes made to the attachments within external programs will actively be captured and imported into the database. Manually pressing the Save button attempts to capture external changes again (if changed since last capture) in case of failure capturing the external changes when the document has the exclusive open mode with external applications. For each successful capture of external changes, that will be saved as a new revision and trash the previous revision. If the content has been saved multiple times within external programs, it would produce the same number of revisions within Mybase.

      Note that contents saved in the TEMP folder will remain there till you close the database or exit Mybase normally.

    7. Disk space usage with Mybase

      By default, all information is automatically compressed with the integrated zip utility and saved in .nyf databases. In most of cases, you don't need to care about the disk space usage on Mybase databases. Here are a few notes about disk space usage that may help you understand how Mybase stores information, and how to run it smoothly and safely.

      • Deleting info items or attachments only marks them as trash (in the Recycle bin), this way, you have the chance of restoring them in a later time when you want them back; That's to say, deleting (trashing) info items or attachments doesn't free up any disk space, and the .nyf database file size will not shrink, till you run the [File - Maintenance - Empty recycle bin/Optimize for size] utility.
      • Committing changes to an info item's HTML content trashes the previous revision and creates a new entry in the revision history list. You can choose to revert to any one of history revisions, till you run the [File - Maintenance - Empty recycle bin/Optimize for size] utility, which will clear all history revisions.
      • Inserting files as attachments copies whole file content into the .nyf database, this may bloat the .nyf database file size. If you'd like to organize a large number of documents within Mybase, it's recommended that you just add the documents as shortcuts or hyperlinks, instead of adding as attachments; Shortcuts/hyperlinks only contain file path without file content. In addition, Mybase provides the Relatve path feature, which helps maintain consistency of file links between shortcuts/hyperlinks and local file system.
    8. .


  3. 故障排除说明

    1. Why are all editing tools grayed out? I cannot edit anymore.

      If the database was open as Readonly, please try to close and re-open it without the 'Readonly' attribute. To do so, select the 'File - Open Database...' menu item without the Ctrl key held down, locate the target database file and press the 'Open' button.

      Note that current text note can be temporarily set as Readonly by selecting the 'Edit - Edit/Rename' menu item. If this is the case, simply select the menu item again to remove the 'Readonly' flag.

    2. Nothing found on searching a database.

      The [Advanced search] and [Find as you type] utilities are based on index data. Before searching, you'll need to build/update index data by selecting the [File - Maintenance - Update index] menu item. Without index data, you'd want to try the [Find partial words] and/or [Use regular expression] option.

      From v7.3 on, the [Auto-index] feature automatically updates index data while commiting changes to a database, Nevertheless, you'd still want to periodically select the [File - maintenance - clear index data/update index data] menu item to have a clean index data and reduce its file size.

      Mybase provides the [Tools - Diagnose file parser] utility intended for end-users to diagnose if file parsers have appropriately been installed for specific document types on the system.

    3. 中文输入法卡顿,打字响应变慢

      有些输入法软件可能默认开启了云服务/云计算/自学习/自定义等选项,与当前网络环境和代理服务器配置有一定关联,如果打字出现卡顿,可尝试在输入法配置中临时禁用/关闭这类选项; 有的输入法工具可能存在特定 BUG 需要手动修复; 另外,也可检查一下系统中是否有杀毒/清理/优化类系统工具在后台监控运行,如果有,可尝试临时禁用/关闭这类系统工具,或加入其白名单/受信列表,以免受到干扰; 如果仍存在问题,可尝试切换不同的输入法软件; 更多相关信息可参见:输入法打字卡顿相关问题

    4. 高级搜索对话框无法弹出

      选择菜单【Search - Advanced search】通常会在程序主窗口右下角打开查询对话框;如果没有反应或对话框无法打开, 则可能需要检查一下系统中是否安装过某些杀毒/清理/优化类工具软件,有时会对软件正常运行造成某些干扰; 如果是这样,可尝试临时禁用或关闭这类工具,或者将本软件加入到其白名单或受信任程序列表中。

    5. 打开数据库出现故障

      如果打开 .nyf 数据库出现故障,请首先确认当前登录用户对该文件拥有适当的访问权限;除此之外,可在下列故障信息列表中查询相应解决方法;

      故障信息:"Failed to open the database. (ErrCode: -1)"
      该错误信息通常是因为数据库已经打开正在使用。 如果是这样情况,只需用 Alt+Tab 或 Win+Tab 即可返回以前打开的 Mybase 实例。 要不就是该数据库文件正被其他软件使用,例如杀毒软件正在后台检查这个数据库文件,可尝试临时关闭或禁用这类工具软件,或者重新启动电脑。
      故障信息:"Failed to open the database. (ErrCode: -32)" 或者 "Bad root folder ..."
      该错误信息表明数据库中无法找到根目录,或根目录受损无法读出, 可能是因为上次保存修改内容时出现死机或断电等故障导致数据库内容未完整保存,比如:从U盘或移动硬盘中打开使用后,如果设备未经安全卸载直接拔出则可能导致此故障。 如遇这种情况可能需要从最近 .bak 备份文件恢复数据库,或者尝试运行数据库修复工具,参见下面附注。
      故障信息:"The database has a signature of the storage library (SSG-3) ..."
      在 v7.x/8.x 中打开旧版本软件 (4.x, 5.x, 6.x) 创建的某些 .nyf 数据库时, 可能会出现错误提示:"The database has a signature of the storage library (SSG-3) which is no longer supported in the new cross-platform system". 则可能需要按如下步骤升级旧版本 SSG-3 数据库为 SSG-5 存储格式:
      1. 下载安装 Mybase Desktop 6.5.1+
      2. 启动 Mybase Desktop 6.5.1+,并打开 .nyf 数据库;
      3. 然后选择 [File - Maintenance - Replicate from RTF to HTML ...] 菜单, 确定新数据库的文件名和路径,并按下 OK 按钮;
      4. 复制转换成功后,新生成的 .nyf 数据库文件即可与 v7.x/8.x 正常工作,同时支持多平台版本 Mybase Desktop 7/8 for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows。
      故障信息:"Invalid file identifier detected ..."
      如果您确认此文件为 .nyf 数据库文件,并且以往正常打开使用过,则表明该数据库文件头部摘要信息已受损,可能需要从最近 .bak 备份文件恢复数据库, 或者尝试运行 SSG-5 工具包中提供的修复工具,参见下面附注
      故障信息:"Authentication method not supported ..." 或 "数据库密码验证方式不被支持"
      如果打开数据库时看到这样的提示信息:"Authentication method not supported ..." 或 "数据库密码验证方式不被支持",则需要将数据库内容全盘复制为新版本存储格式;

      针对 Linux/MacOSX 电脑系统,可尝试使用 SSG-5 工具包,按如下命令行步骤操作复制数据库:

      1. 下载 SSG Shell 工具,假设下载后暂时保存在用户 HOME 目录中;
      2. 打开终端命令行窗口,运行以下命令,先解开下载得到的.zip压缩包;
        $ cd $ unzip
      3. 然后进入 ssg 命令所在目录,运行 ssg 复制命令,比如使用 Mac 系统,则命令如下;
        $ cd ./ssgshell/deploy/mac $ ./ssg new new.nyf $ ./ssg copy old.nyf new.nyf /
      4. 复制过程正常结束后,会在同一目录中生成新的数据库文件,然后尝试打开新生成的数据库文件; 注:新生成数据库默认不带密码保护;如需设置密码,可打开新数据库后再选择 File - Maintenance - Replicate database 或者 Set password 菜单;

      针对 Windows 电脑系统,可使用带图形窗口界面的(SSG-5 复制工具)将数据库内容全盘复制到新的 .nyf 数据存储容器中; 注:该复制工具可正常运行于虚拟 Windows 系统中。


      从 .bak 备份文件恢复数据库的方法:可直接将 .bak 备份文件扩展名修改为 .nyf 文件,或者复制 .bak 文件为 .nyf 文件即可;


      1. 先下载并解开 SSG-5 工具包 到任意磁盘目录中;
      2. 打开一个终端命令行窗口,切换到该目录下 ssg5recover 命令文件所在子目录,然后运行命令行程序:
        ./ssg5recover "D:/目录/路径/受损文件.nyf"
      3. 或者,在 Windows 版本主界面中选择菜单工具:File - Maintenance - Recover database,然后分别指定 ssg5recover.exe 和受损 .nyf 库文件所在路径,并点确定按钮;
      4. 修复工具会在终端窗口中运行,并尝试从受损库文件中搜寻所有可能恢复的有效数据块,然后转存入新生成的 .nyf 库文件中,新文件名包含有"_RECOVERED"字样,并存放于同一目录中;
      5. 注意事项:库文件名和目录路径中若包含有汉字等特殊字符可能需要事先去掉,以防出现文件名中字符无法识别等问题。[更多信息]